Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Decorative Birth Statistics

Just last night my husband said to me, "Deuce weighed 7 what?  And how long was he?"  Immediately I shot back with "7 pounds, 1 ounce and 22 inches long."  With an attitude.  He said "Why is it that dad's can never remember that stuff?  I knew he was 7 something and 20 something." 

Hmmm, maybe it's because you didn't carry him for 10 months inside your body?  Maybe it's because while I was getting fatter by the minute I was thinking this baby outta be huge for how much extra weight he is making me carry around!  I specifically remember what was happening when I heard his birth time was 11:23pm.  I couldn't see him but I remember hearing a nurse say "Time of birth: 23:23. I don't think I've ever had one born at 23:23."  I will never forget that.  I remember what I was doing when I was told how long he was.  I was being wheeled from the recovery room to my personal room and they wheeled me by the waiting room.  It was like 1:30am and Ed was with all of my family in there.  I still hadn't heard about his length and I asked as they wheeled me by.  I remember my mom shouting "Rachel, he's long!  22 inches!"  I held up my arms as much as I could as though I had achieved a victory for creating a long child with my short self.  Then Ed said to me "They said most babies are between 18-21 inches so maybe he will be tall like me."  That made me smile.  The doctor told me at my ultrasound two days before he was born that he appeared to be 7 pounds 2 ounces and I couldn't believe how accurate they were.  Only off by an ounce!  I will never forget these stats.

So to help Ed out, I created a decorative wall hanging for the nursery.  No excuses now.
Then I changed up the colors and stats and made one for my sister's boyfriend's nephew...follow that?  She decided that catching a glare would add coolness... jk.
And this is one I made for Annie & Aja.
Want one for your little one???


  1. That is a great idea!

  2. Yes! I'd love 2! How much are you charging?? seriously...

  3. I would love one! I think it would be a great idea for his birthday next month.

  4. I want one! You def need to show me how you did this. It would be perfect for Jaycie's wall. Its pretty bare as of right now


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