This past Thursday I took Deuce over to University Mall in Chapel Hill to see The Embers play. I love beach music and I love that the mall is making an effort to bring the community together by hosting a free concert series all summer long, featuring some of the greatest beach music bands! We brought our lawn chairs and set up camp in the mall parking lot right next tot he great big stage. There was a checkered dance floor perfect for shagging and by the end of the concert, there were some pretty darn good shaggers showing off their smooth steps. Me? not so much.
Deuce was mesmerized by the big stage, the loud speakers and the shiny instruments. He only wanted to be near the stage. He especially enjoyed the trombone and watching the slider go in and out. He even showed off some of his favorite dance moves, consisting of his hands on his thighs with some bouncing and rocking from side to side. He is definitely my favorite dancer at this point in my life.
At one point, the dance floor was covered with kids. In large part because the Chick-fil-a cow was out there. I was surprised that he didn't scream and try and run away. Those things have the biggest heads. But he kept getting closer and closer to it. When the cow stuck out his hand to get a high 5, Deuce quickly pulled his hand back and was like {no way Jose.} Pretty funny. But he kept following the cow around. Sometimes so close that I was afraid he would get trampled on because the cow wouldn't see him with that ginormous head! Deuce put on quite a show himself, keeping the little old ladies entertained as he ran back and forth between us and the dance floor. I look forward to many more Thursday nights at the mall. Come join us! Click HERE for more info! {Liquid Pleasure is June 30th!!! That's a MUST!}
We would love to go!!! Sounds like a great time!