We finally got TJ signed up for swim lessons! Yea! However, Deuce's classes were all full by the time we signed up. Boo! It was more important for TJ to take swim lessons anyway. He is 9 years old and it wasn't until the end of last summer that he would get off of the stairs in a pool. Even if someone was holding him, he feared for his life! In 3 feet of water! Nuh uh... I'm not having that. I was in swim lessons before I could walk and by 12, I was certified in water safety and rescue and my sister was a life guard all through high school. I love the water {
may be where he gets it from?} and I couldn't stand the thought of TJ going to some kids pool party and having to sit on the side being taunted because he was too scared. So I have been pushing for Ed to sign him up. However, our super busy weekend schedule always gets in the way. With football & basketball, there wasn't any time for him to take lessons during the fall or winter. And he has to take the Saturday lessons because the weekday lessons are at like 3pm and seriously, some of us work until at least 5... So he's been in swim lessons for a few weeks now and has progressed to being able to tread water for at least a minute and swimming the breast stroke for at least 25 yards.
He has also been able to go down the big slide at the Y into 7 feet and then swim over to his instructor at the wall. This was a HUGE deal for him! With his progressions and success he has quickly developed a love for the water and is very excited for our trip to Knoxville in a few weeks to jump off the diving board with his cousins at my Aunt Rita's house...we'll see! Oh, and he loves his goggles. I always felt like a goober with them on but he loves to wear them and see everything down below.
The next session starts in a few weeks and we will be out of town for 2 of the 6 Saturday's {yeah, not wasting my $ for that} so I think we will have to wait for the September session to get Deuce enrolled. While TJ is in his lessons, we have to keep Deuce out of the pool area because he will try to run into the pool after his brother so we take him into a nearby room. The room has windows overlooking the pool so we can still see TJ but Deuce can run around with his basketball.
Check out my baby's form! Is that proper hand placement or what??? :)
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